Friday, September 5, 2008

No One Cares (by The Gay)

Why does everyone feel the need to express themselves with bumper stickers? No one gives a shit about who you're voting for, what college you went to and if your child is a honor student or not.

Why put a big fat sticker on your car for an election that will be over in a couple of months? Just b/c you're voting for Obama doesn't mean any of us care. Good for you, I'm glad you're voting, but just b/c you are voting and have a sticker showing us so, doesn't mean that I will follow suit or like you any more. 

In fact, you just cut me off so I realllllly don't give a shit about you, your voting habits or that you went to a college that sells license plate frames. If you really think a bumper sticker will influence voters, you really need to reevaulate the voting public.


Anonymous said...

Those Obama stickers are magnets. They come off. And honestly, that's how some people find out a guy named Obama is even running.

Anonymous said...

Oh and how else can we easily find out who does and does not support our troops? HOW!?!?!?!

Unknown said...

Well, I agree with the fact that I DO NOT care if your stupid kid is on the honor roll. I was on the honor roll...big whoop. I do approve of these car magnets however. (Personally I am wearing an Obama button today...yes, button. I am cool.)

Anonymous said...

if you're relying on bumper stickers to tell you who's in the election, you shouldn't be voting in the first place

Anonymous said...

HAH! Agreed!

Anonymous said...

Well that's how I found out about this Jesus fellow that everyone seems to be voting for. The news never mentions him.

Anonymous said...

Oh and I would love to see "My stupid kid is on the honor roll" as a bumper sticker.

Jenny said...

i like the "your mom" sticker Lauren saw in the back of some rando's SUV window. Not a bumper sticker... but those stick figures... one said "me" and the other said "your mom". Brilliant.

Zedism said...

I love when people sport the "jesus fish" then cut you off and flip you off. Makes me proud to be a non-believer.

Seriously, think about how you represent your label. At least Coke or Home Depot can pull their sponsorship from stock car drivers. I'm sure God is wishing he could pull those stickers off some jack-holes cars that are sporting them.

If i were voting purely on driving skill and etiquette, I'd surely not be voting Obama.

I'm putting out a bumper sticker of my own. It reads, "GOOD IDEAS don't fit on BUMPER STICKERS"