It must be that desperate one-time-beauty-queen-need for attention, because Sarah Palin has wasted no time in making headlines. No, I'm not even going to bother talking about her kid who's 5 months preggers. (I think that speaks for itself.) What I am talking about is her alleged membership to the AIP.
What is the AIP you ask? Well, I am thrilled to tell you. It's the Alaskan Independence Party, which as been pushing for Alaska to secede from the US since the 1970s. (Palin and her husband both said to be members in 1994.) While McCain says "Country First", the AIP says "Alaska First--Alaska Always." Well she's turning out to be quite the patriot, isn't she?
The AIP founder once said "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institution...[T]he fires of Hell are glaciers compared to my hate for the American government." Interesting that McCain's camp dares to question Obama's patriotism...
Furthermore, if THAT wasn't enough, there is even a video of an AIP leader explaining the need for members to "infiltrate" other parties in order to push for Alaskan independence. (Hmmm, I guess becoming Vice President of the United States would be a good way to start.)
Well McCain, good work vetting this one. I guess one phone call wasn't long enough to dig up all this dirt...or maybe it was just that the volume on your hearing aid just wasn't turned up enough.
REVISION: Turns out, she wasn't a member...but her husband was...still very suspicious...
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